It's just one of those do nothing days where all you want to do is sit around your house and do nothing but sit on the couch, lean back and watch a little TV while eating your favorite lunch. Ramen noodles. Not just any ramen noodles, but that Muchan Ramen Noodles that are chicken flavored and come in the little orange package. But no, instead of living the life of laziness, I am at school to get an "education". When will 4x+7(4+8) ever benefit me in the future. I would be fine if ALL the things we learned would make my future better, but for the things I want to do when I grow up, it doesn't involve being able to turn on a Bunsen Burner correctly.
Some classes are just so boring, its not like I am learning anything anyways seeing I'm not even paying attention. All you do is sit in cold plastic chairs that make your butt go numb. Oh yea, and you have to get up at an un-Godly hour in the morning, just so you can make it to school on time. Not only do we want to be still sleeping, but we all especially do NOT want to start thinking that early. I mean, whose great idea of this "fun filled day of excitement" was this? Not eating till 12:30, getting up early, no comfy couches, and not being able to talk to friends. I personally think life in school is torture.