November 09, 2011


I am going to start posting on this again. I realized how much I miss venting through poetry.

March 10, 2011

The year was 2081 and there was noone.

The world was populated with many people of nothingness. Everyone like everyone, people subside to nothing, yet are alive and breathing.

March 04, 2011

Walls of My Skull

There is something very alluring about the silence I tend to hear
Maybe it’s just the thought of me capturing emptiness
Or soaking up the peace
When you're alone you can listen to the thoughts that scramble
Around in the walls of my skull
But the moment that silence breaks
That’s the time when you don't feel so alone
No matter how much I love silence, I will admit
The sound of it breaking is almost as enjoyable as the silence itself

February 21, 2011

The Sunday Morning Bug

Mornings when you crawl around your house
Staying out of your families way
And avoiding society
Sleeping hidden in covers

Those no makeup mornings
Hair gathered up high
These days are my favorite

Can only be described as the time
The one special day
That no one would recognize you

Waking up at noon
Taking naps till three
Then crashing at your normal time

This Sunday morning bug
I catch it bad
But whenever it comes
I wish it wouldn’t end

February 01, 2011

I Mean It's Just Life Afterall

Whats the matter?
Are you sad?
Is there anything I can do?
Are you okay?
I'll fake all the smiles
I will put effort into faking happiness
If the questions will stop
I'll fake all the smiles
Fake all the laughter
Fake all the happiness
Just to get people to leave me alone
Yes something is the matter
I'm not sad I'm worse
There is nothing you can do
I'll be fine... for now